Joseph Al Assad


Joseph El Assad

Electrical Engineering


Joseph El Assad is an expert in renewable energies, developing studies on the appeal of renewable energy policies in Selected ESCWA and ECE countries, synthesis reports and comparative studies. On a national level, Joseph is in charge of doing the renewable readiness assessment (RRA) of Lebanon while participating in the renewable energy mapping and co-authoring the national energy outlook for Lebanon 2030. He has experience in planning engineering projects and follow-ups.

Joseph’s areas of interest include cogeneration systems for industrial sectors: optimal power, energy outlooks, renewable energy policies, actions plans for energy efficiency and Solar energy and wind turbines. 

A prolific author of articles and books with publications in professional refereed journals, Joseph regularly participates in national and international colloquiums, and is a popular public speaker. 


Member of the Lebanese order of engineers and architects
Member of the Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Science
Renewable energy and energy efficiency expert at the League of Arab States, LAS

Advisory roles

Responsible for the preparation of TOR and supervising implementation of EE and RE projects for Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation for the Ministry of Energy and Water 

LCEC – Advisor Responsible for the follow-up of engineering and planning projects

Vice-Chairman – organizing national, regional, and international events for the World Energy Council, WEC Lebanon Committee. 

Doctorate Joseph received his PhD  in Microwave, from Institut National Polytechnique, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France, and is currently a dean for a school of engineering.