Nada Sarkis


Nada Sarkis



Nada Sarkis has a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry and climbed the academic ranks rapidly. Dynamic in marketing & strategic management as

well as communication strategies, her focus is on social media, branding and re-branding, and business planning.

Nada is a supporter of collective action on the principles and practices of strategic management and supports institutions ambitions to tackle the complex and changing environment with an increasing need for fast and effective strategic responses to external factors and attracting investors.

In addition to a number of academic roles, Nada has worked on various consultancy projects in the consumer business industry with an emphasis on building up a core customer base and appealing to different types of consumers.

Nada is currently serving as associate dean at USEK Business School – Lebanon. She is a holder of a PhD in Marketing from Unviersité Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille III